Friday 16 June 2017

Using Aural Skills in music Task 3.2 16/6/17

Task 3.2
Using the same selection of songs point out where notes have been lengthened or shortened these notes can be vocal or instrumental, talk about how changing the length of notes can impact on an expression or the articulation in a song 

The beginning of the song is when the notes are long these notes that they're singing the notes in the first verse there long the second section that sounds like an opera the notes get shorter this has a scary and confusing effect on the sound  in the guitar solo the note are long this has a rock feel and makes you want to nod your head at the end the notes are long this gives the song a sad ending . The different note  sizes make the song very interesting and helps to tell the story  

1 comment:

  1. This isn't bad but you could point out a little more about the section be more precise about where the parts are and talk a little more about the impact like in the beginning of the song with the notes being long how does that set up the song ? Also pay a little more attention to your grammar and correct use of the words, your first sentence needs to be better thought out.
