Friday 5 May 2017

Creative Writing task 2 First Draft 5/5/2017


The scene is set on USA soil in a state that is called California. There is a big group of secret Russian spy's and they all have a mixed military background who were sent to rig the presidential elections. These people are:

Dom: funny school kid
Paul: The chosen leader
Jack: Part of the US Marines
Rose jr: The younger in the group

It was the start of the biggest American election in history when group of American secret service men got a big call from the president of the USA about a big drug collection that was happening near Venice beach at 7'o clock at night. That night they went to scout the docks were the drug collection was going to take place but when they got there they realised that the president had set them up. A group of the mercenaries working for the president took them to a warehouse in the middle of nowhere and tied them all up and started to torture them to try get information about the missions that they've been on in there lifetimes and how did they manage to infiltrate the American secret service. Jack quietly managed to slip a knife from up his sleeve and cut everyone free. After they left the warehouse they fled to the closest airport and took a flight washington. When they got to the middle of the flight there was a call on the plane that there was a bomb on the plane so they needed to land as fast as they could. When they got to the airport the presidents mercenaries were there in different clothing acting like the bomb squad that was needing to search the plane. Suddenly the plane powered down but the group of spies had a way out through a shaft to the top of the plane where then they could jump of the wings. When they escaped they managed to hot wire a car so they could drive to the white house were the president was. They managed to get into the white house because there passes were still active no no one suspected any thing is going to happen. When they entered the presidents office there was no presence that he was there. They went through every draw and look through every cabinet and the found a safe behind a glass box. When Rose Jr was in school she learnt how to crack a safe open. 1 hour later she opened the safe door and found a iphone 7 plus in a box which confused them but they figured that i must be important so they opened the phone and found all of the USA's NUCLEAR CODES. They tried to open the window to escape with the nuclear codes. The shutter came down over all the windows and the doors there was no way out of the white house for the secret service to go. Suddenly the presidents mercenaries burst in through the door and shouted get down. The mercenaries asked the Russian spies to return the codes they had just taken from the presidents safe. Dom handed over the codes to the mercenaries then  turned around and walked off to get back in their car. that was the last time the spies ever seen them again. This concludes that the government isn't as secure as we think.      

1 comment:

  1. This was a good effort in the end Zak but it took a lot of prompting from me i know that you are capable of good creative writing from your work with your songs so this should have been better thought out and executed , that said well done not a bad story in the end although a little more content and detail would be nice.
